I am not sure why I have failed so miserably at blogging. I suppose its because I am so busy reading and writing all the time, that the last thing I want to do is write some more. In any event, that's all I have to say about my lame attempts at blogging and I will try better in the future. That being said, I am really looking forward to the Twins season this year. I have been a Twins fan my whole life. I have faint memories of the 1991 World Series year and I have followed them closely ever since. Even during the depressing-era of 1996-2000 when the team was awful, I stuck with them. Once Kirby left the game, Chuck Knoblauch (#11), was my favorite Twins player growing up. Since moving to the Twin Cities in 2003, I've probably attended over 100 Twins games and I've loved every minute of it. Baseball is the one sport I really get into and get super happy or super depressed depending on the outcome of the game. I usually get over it quickly, unlike the typical football fans, b...