This weekend Morgan and I had an official "Date Weekend!" And it was AMAZING! We had kinda been slacking the last couple months, with the holidays and then Morgan's three weeks of sickness. But this weekend we had a long overdue weekend just for the two of us. It was perfect. And with only 5 (now 4!!) free weekends before Henry's due date I'm super happy we did it. The weekend started off Friday night with a classic dinner and a movie date. First, we went to Chianti Grill in Roseville. I sort of have mixed feelings about the place. The atmosphere was really nice, like I told Morgan, it looks like how I would build my living room if I built a custom house. I was also pleasantly surprised that someone offered me their seat on the couch in the waiting area while we were waiting for our table. Being obviously pregnant has its perks! The food at Chianti Grill was pretty good, but not great. Sort of what I expected at a mid-priced place. The thing I really wasn't...