Another week down! I'm officially 37 weeks, or FULL TERM!! Henry will no longer be considered a premie, even if born tomorrow! Most babies born at this point are totally healthy, which takes a lot of worry off my mind! I think I look slightly lower than last week. But one thing is certain - I'm rapidly outgrowing these maternity tanks. There's not to much to update you on from last week. I still feel pretty much the same, although I've had a few days with a ton of contractions. They always make me stop and think that I might be going into labor, but they just aren't regular enough. The will come 5 min apart, then 7, then 3, then 15, and so on. Totally all over the place. I just hope they are creating some sort of progress, and maybe they are a sign labor will happen soon. I'm starting to think they are a sign that I might be over-doing the activity a little, since they tend to get closer together when I'm more active. But that's about it. I don'...