Hey, remember the ill- fated timed Picture of the Week challenge ? No, because it was super short lived...oh yeah. That's right. It only lasted two weeks. Somehow, it didn't work out while studying for the bar/having terrible morning sickness. Go figure...Well, I'm bringing it back! And this time its getting its own page ! With big pictures! But I need your help for it to work. I need you to vote on the poll found on the right-hand side bar! For those of you that really don't remember, or who are new to The Kavanaugh Report, Picture of the Week is a competition between Morgan and I. Every week we each submit a cell phone picture (found on the Picture of the Week page) that we have taken during the previous week. Then you, the readers, vote for the picture you want to hear more about, or that you think is the funniest, or the best, or just vote for your favorite blogger (hint hint). Every Friday a winner will be declared! The winner gets bragging rights around the ho...