Tot school is back after an extended break. The break wasn't really intentional, part of it we were on vacation, part of it we were just busy doing summertime stuff. I was kind of feeling guilty about how little time we've spend doing {planned} tot school activities, but I've decided to cut myself some slack in the summer. While last year we were able to continue tot school on a weekly basis over the summer, this year Henry is older, busier, and more interested in being out-and-about. So, I've decided if a letter takes two weeks this summer -- that's alright.
So, without further ado -- Letter M week, part 1. Prior to this week, Henry could identify both the capital and lowercase M.
On the first tray was all about mail. It included crayons, paper, stamps, crayons, envelops, and a small metal mailbox. This way Henry could "write" a letter to friends and family and send them off. He had so much fun with this tray! While he spent a lot of time putting his letters into his mailbox, we also put them in the actual mail together.
The second tray was a "make-a-monster" station. It included a tray filled with different bodies, eyes, mouths, and feet/hands to make a silly, happy monster. Henry didn't use this tray much but did think it was silly the couple times he did which was good because all of a sudden he thinks all monsters are scary.
The final tray was a money sorting activity. The tray included a wooden bowl filled with coins, a plastic container with holes cut to fit each coin, and some identifying coin cards. This was Henry's favorite activity for the week. I included quite a few coins but he sat there and sorted each one several times over. He also used the cards to sort the coins into types.
The final activity was a letter M sensory bin. As always Henry liked to explore this bin. He especially loved the little sock-monkeys.
Stay-tuned for next week, for part 2 of the letter M. I have a bunch of fun stuff planned for this week! Do you find that you've had to modify your tot school program for the summer?
{Don't forget to enter our Melissa and Doug or Olive and Ruby Kids giveaways!}