There are some letters that just aren't that fun to create work for, but the letter F isn't one of them. There are so many great ways to explore the letter f, because there are just so many great f themes. Here are some letter f tot school trays that we worked on with Henry. Henry is 36 months. On our first tray was the button flower color matching work that I used in our spring unit last year. It was a set of felt flowers, corresponding button stems, and a corresponding color sheet. Henry still loved this tray this year and had a bunch of fun again matching the colors. He was much better this year at getting the flowers around the buttons. This post contains affiliate links at no cost to you. The second tray was a set of 3-part farm cards with different farm animals. I paired the cards with our set of Schleich farm animals . Henry still struggles with matching the words on his own but enjoys matching the cards and animals. The third tray was a se...