I can't believe my sweet girly girl is already 7-months-old. Nora is just this amazing little thing. She's so completely herself and I just am so in love with getting to know her. At this point, Nora is pretty little. She's still wearing 3-6 month pants and 6-9 month tops/pjs. She's in a size 3 diaper and was 16 lbs 8 oz at a sick visit check a couple weeks ago. This past month has been tougher for Nora. There's been a lot of sickness and very little sleep. I think maybe in the month we've had 5-6 days total where Nora didn't have a runny nose or cough. It's certainly contributed to a crabbier girl and sleep disruptions. This month we've been lucky to get a 1.5-2 hour stretch of sleep at night or even a 40 minute nap during the day. Usually, she's waking 5-8 times a night and getting harder and harder to put down. (I hope these days are behind us now that we are working on better sleep habits.) ...