This month with Nora can be summed up in one word -- change! Nora is growing and changing so fast these days. She went from not really moving to getting around, from being fairly quiet to chatting up a storm, and from exploring solid food to eating like crazy. Nora, is our serious little girl. She is constantly observing and makes you work for smiles -- unless "you" are Morgan or Henry then she will happily smile and chat with you. I don't have official growth stats for this month, but she is still wearing a size 3 diaper, 6-9 month tops and 3-6 month pants. She is slowly moving up to the next size though and has the occasional larger outfit. She still has bright blue eyes, peach fuzz blonde hair, and new this month -- a bottom tooth (that was followed by another pretty quickly). I can't blame her smaller size on not eating! This girl loves to eat. She's still nursing a ton (pretty much every two hours all day and night) and eating two mea...