"What should I buy my child? What are your favorite wooden toys ? We are buying more Montessori toys, what should I get? My child's birthday is coming up..." I see these types of questions in Montessori circles all the time. And, I'm asked these questions all the time. The emphasis placed on things in our culture can sometimes make these the easy questions to ask. And, honestly, the easy question to answer. But, there is SO much more to being a Montessori parent than wooden toys and tiny furniture. But, this "stuff" is harder to "get." There are so many other things that Montessori parents can give their children, and for me one of the most important -- yet, hardest -- is time. There is so little time in all of our lives. So many distractions, so many activities, so many things, so many expectations. Time is scarce. But, time, is essential. They need time to explore freely . As babies and toddlers to explore their environment ...