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September 27, 2017

Favorite Art Supplies from 1 to 3

Sometimes there is a myth that Montessori environments don't encourage creativity or creative expression. But, this is so wrong. There are so many opportunities for children to creatively engage in Montessori schools and homes. In our home, in particular, we love open ended art exploration. As winter is once again approaching, we will be spending more time inside and naturally this means my children will gravitate more towards art. 

Even as young toddlers, my kids -- especially Nora -- have loved to engage in creative work. So, I thought I would share some of my favorite art materials for toddlers. These were all used and loved by my kids from about 14-months on. With any of these, I always started small and then added to the complexity and independence as time moved on.

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Our favorite art supplies for toddlers from age 1 to 3-years-old

1. Rock Crayons or broken regular crayons | 2. Watercolor Paints | 3. Play Dough, modeling clay, and beeswax and some simple tools | 4. Paint cups and washable paint | 5. Dot Markers | 6. Paper Punches | 7. Short Color Pencils and short markers | 8. Scissors | 9. Tissue Paper and other variety of interesting objects to glue and cut | 10. Simple Dot Stickers | 11. Drawing Chalk

I haven't included anything for babies on this list, because every time I've tried art with an infant, it has been a disaster. My kids are too interested in moving and exploring to sit and do something like this as a baby. So it usually happens after that sensitive period for gross motor is starting to fade, and they aren't focusing on learning to walk/climb!

What kinds of art supplies do your toddlers enjoy? Anything you would add to this list?


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