I'm sorry for the sudden absence from writing. In January, I found out that we are expecting baby 4 in September. And, while I super wish I was one of those women who feel a little queasy but still function during the first trimester. But, that is not my luck. Instead, I've been dealing with what has hands down been the worst "morning" sickness I've ever had. This post contains affiliate links at no cost to you. Find the lovely topponcino here. I've basically not been functioning well for the past 8 weeks or so. Something had to give, and writing was one of the many things that I've had to put aside. The good news is the baby looks great. We've had two looks at the baby, and all is well. Even though I'm out of my first trimester now, I'm still not feeling good. I'm hoping to turn the corner and get back to sharing more soon. Dealing with constant sickness wasn't really in my plan but I know it will be worth it in the...