As you might know, the past couple of months have been rough for me. Baby #4 has been challenging to say the least. I've always gotten sick with my pregnancies but never this sick. It took 3 different medications just to stay hydrated and still I was getting sick daily. I didn't have the energy to get off the couch, to pick up my phone, or to put a coherent sentence together. But, nevertheless, I had an active healthy 2-year-old at home. Being a Montessori family, my kids have a lot of independence. They can get their own snack, or drinks, got to the bathroom (mostly), and things like that. But, that doesn't mean they don't want any adult interaction. Gus still craves adult attention and needs/wants me to be an active part of his day. So, I had to get creative to make that happen. Things like cooking together in the kitchen, going outside, and playing together were difficult for me. So, here are a few ways I was still able to entertain Gus during those diffic...