There is so much joy in watching your baby find themselves into toddlerhood. These first few months with a 1-year-old are really some of the best with your baby, in my opinion. They are still very much babies, but they are more consistent and easier to understand. They interact and have preferences. It's just a lot of fun. Penelope has been such fun that I wanted to share some of her favorite Montessori baby toys and activities at 13 and 14 months. This is definitely not a complete list of everything she has done over the last couple months, but a good idea of the skills she has been working on and how we have supported her. Remember, observe your own baby when making decisions about what kinds of materials are best suited for them! Montessori Baby and Young Toddler Favorites Here's a closer look at what she has been up to separated into some larger general categories: Gross Motor More than anything else these last couple of months, Penelope has been interested in gros...