Creating an environment where my young children have access to a variety of materials is important to me as a Montessori parent. But, as a parent with five kids, access to paint has been a harder one for me to implement. While I know there are so many great benefits to painting at an easel - creative expression, opportunities for crossing the midline, cause and effect - the potential mess sometimes outweighs my readiness to make it available. And, full transparency, I don't make paint available all the time. Instead, I choose when I have the capacity to be an available and prepared adult. While I hope that is often, access does ebb and flow based on other factors in our lives. But, I have found a few easel painting hacks that have made painting a lot easier. A few simple changes and I'm much more willing to let my toddlers paint. Montessori Parenting Tips for Toddlers and Painting Easels Like many things in a Montessori environment, a few quick changes make all the dif...