Twelve to Eighteen Months

Toddlers at this age are learning to move and explore in new and different ways. They often become much less interested in the work/activities that are put on their shelves and more and more interested in using those new gross motor skills and engaging in practical life. 

Montessori friendly activities, toys, and spaces for toddlers ages 12 to 18 months.

Here are some articles for young toddlers, ages 12 to 18 months. These are roughly organized by category and from youngest (12ish months) to oldest (18ish months). But just because my child did something at one age, many of these activities are appropriate during this age range. Remember, please to follow your own child, this is not meant to be a strict curriculum but one family's example. 


Practical Life

Montessori Toddler -- Introducing Water Pouring
Making Water Available
Peeling Bananas
Mornings at the Weaning Table
Independent Stool Use
Starting to {Un}dress
Washing Hands
Using a Fork
Wavy Chopper Knife
Beginning Toilet Learning -- Montessori Young Toddler Week 30

General Lists

In the Kitchen from 12 to 18 Months
Young Montessori Toddlers in the Kitchen
Practical Life Ideas for 1-Year-Olds

Montessori friendly activities, toys, and spaces for toddlers ages 12 to 18 months.




Montessori Floor Beds and Young Toddlers
Montessori Toddler Wardrobe
Mixed Age Montessori Play Shelves
Making the Outdoors Accessible
Our Shared Montessori Playroom

Montessori friendly activities, toys, and spaces for toddlers ages 12 to 18 months.