Morgan and I are officially 3L's. We made it to our last year of law school! School started August 20th and we are into the full swing of things now.
The few weeks leading up to school starting were pretty hectic for both of us. Morgan was at Ft. McCoy in Wisconsin for a little over two weeks for some army training. It was difficult having him gone but the time went pretty fast since I was so busy.
The first week Morgan was away I dog-sat for my parents two dogs, Minnie and Bentley. Minnie is 11 years old and was very upset that she was left here. She followed me everywhere and howled when I left. I finally figured out that if I left talk radio on for her she would be a little more calm - so all the dogs enjoyed 9 days of Rush/Hannity/Lewis and I'm sure they all walked away from that better dogs ;-). Bentley is just a puppy and was 6 months old when he was here. He had amazing amounts of energy and taught me that I will NEVER get a puppy in a second floor apartment. I got quite a workout running up and down the stairs all day long. He was really pretty good and only had 3 accidents in 9 days (I dont know if I am more impressed with him or myself for remembering to take him out). Nettie was not happy that the other dogs were here but she eventually got over it!
Minnie and Bentley in the Dinning Room.

When I returned from Eau Claire my best friend from college, Christina (CJ), moved here! CJ has been staying with Morgan and I while she looks for an apartment and job. It been amazing to see her so often, and it reminds me of the "good old days" of college when we lived together.
School started 3 days after CJ got here and has pretty much taken up all of my time since. More on that later...
The few weeks leading up to school starting were pretty hectic for both of us. Morgan was at Ft. McCoy in Wisconsin for a little over two weeks for some army training. It was difficult having him gone but the time went pretty fast since I was so busy.
The first week Morgan was away I dog-sat for my parents two dogs, Minnie and Bentley. Minnie is 11 years old and was very upset that she was left here. She followed me everywhere and howled when I left. I finally figured out that if I left talk radio on for her she would be a little more calm - so all the dogs enjoyed 9 days of Rush/Hannity/Lewis and I'm sure they all walked away from that better dogs ;-). Bentley is just a puppy and was 6 months old when he was here. He had amazing amounts of energy and taught me that I will NEVER get a puppy in a second floor apartment. I got quite a workout running up and down the stairs all day long. He was really pretty good and only had 3 accidents in 9 days (I dont know if I am more impressed with him or myself for remembering to take him out). Nettie was not happy that the other dogs were here but she eventually got over it!
Bentley, Nettie, and Minnie enjoying the yard.

The second week Morgan was gone I went and spent a week in Eau Claire with my parents. We had a great time. My grandma was there for the first few days and it was great to be able to see her. My mom and I also took a trip up to the Mall of America and we got some great deals. The last part of the week in Eau Claire my mom and I painted their guest room, and I worked a day as a dental assistant for my Dad.
Working for my Dad.

When I returned from Eau Claire my best friend from college, Christina (CJ), moved here! CJ has been staying with Morgan and I while she looks for an apartment and job. It been amazing to see her so often, and it reminds me of the "good old days" of college when we lived together.
School started 3 days after CJ got here and has pretty much taken up all of my time since. More on that later...