Last week Morgan and I were supposed to have fall break. We were going to relax, catch up on sleep, do some homework, and study for midterms. Instead we spent all last week totally sick. Morgan and I started feeling crappy the weekend before break and it just got worse over the week. We had fevers, body aches, and the worst coughs. Morgan finally went to the doctor on Thursday and found out he had pneumonia and the flu. He was given antibiotics and finally started to get better by Sunday. I went to urgent care on Thursday, and the doctor there confirmed that I also had the flu. He said I "probably" had H1N1, but wouldn't test me to make sure. I, thankfully, did not have pneumonia. The doctor said I would feel better in a couple days, but I didn't. Finally on Monday, I was diagnosed with a sinus infection and was given antibiotics. I'm finally feeling better now, although still very tired.
Basically, we had the worst fall break ever. We are now more behind, stressed, and tired then we were before break. Ugh. At least we're getting better and winter break is only 56 days away...