Last Saturday Morgan and I adopted a new dog! Her name is Lexi and shes a two year old Toy Fox Terrier. Morgan and I decided to start looking for another dog a couple of weeks ago. For a long time I was very against having two dogs, but as the end of school gets closer the more open I became to the idea. So over the last couple weeks we have been casually looking at the Animal Humane Society's website for another little dog. We found a couple we liked and actually went and looked at one before we found Lexi. But, we didn't connect with that dog, so our search continued. Finally, last Friday I noticed a little dog named Lucky on the website and Morgan and I agreed to go look at her. We went on Saturday morning to meet Lucky, and she was great. We took her for a walk, and she was wild but affectionate. She loved to be held and cuddled. She had been given up by her previous people then transferred from a high-kill shelter in Oklahoma to the shelter in St. Paul. We knew right away...