OK, I'm back for my first real post since November 11, 2009 - exactly 3 months ago to the day. But our lives are not that exciting so there is no way y'all were on the edge of your seats waiting for an update. ;-) I'm going to break it up by subject area and give you a brief update. Ready. Set. Go!
Law School
Morgan and I have now finished 2.5+ years of law school and are inching closer to being completely done. We happily finished classes and finals in December to reach the 2.5 year mark. We were thrilled to finish our Advocacy class (class on trial and appellate advocacy skills), which seemed to be taking over our lives last semester. I can't even remember finals they were so bad ;-). No, they were fine, I'm glad they're over, and I think that's enough said.
We started school again in January, and are now half-way through our last semester ever. I know that there were some people earlier today on facebook (you know who you are) that were doubting if this is really it for me. Well, I'm 100% sure this is it for me. I have no desire to continue my education any further, I think 22ish years is enough. But, I won't speak for Morgan, so maybe he'll head back to school someday. Anyway, school this semester has been fine, although its been fairly difficult to find motivation. The semester is half over now, so I'll make it. We graduate May 23, which will hopefully come sooner than it sounds.
Morgan and I are both still at our jobs. We have both been at our jobs for over a year and enjoy them. We are currently looking for permanent jobs for the fall. The job market is still pretty soft, but there are some jobs out there. It might take a little longer than we hoped when we started law school, but it will eventually happen.
We are getting closer to being lawyers though, our bar applications are due by this coming Monday. Morgan mailed his today, and I'll mail mine in next couple. Its an exciting time, and if all goes well we will be taking the bar in July. The only bummer is that the exam is soooooo expensive, $600 per person, so goodbye any chance of going on vacation soon.
The Dogs
Last time I posted we had just adopted Lexi. After 3 months, I'm happy to say shes a keeper. Although, she is a little more than we bargained for. After getting to know her, its clear that she is still a puppy. We put her age at closer to one than two (which is what the human society told us). She is wild, loving, and a just a little bit destructive. So far there has been no major damage, but we've learned not to leave pens, paper, food (of any kind - she will eat ANYTHING - weirdest yet has been raw red cabbage), hair ties, anything colorful that looks like a toy, baby toys, and plants out of her reach.
Nettie and Lexi (or Lexi Lu as we now call her) LOVE each other. Its been great for Nettie to have her around. They play, they sleep together, they eat together, and pretty much just have a great time. Nettie has also been great at teaching Lexi all her bad habits, such as going on the couch and barking at the vacuum.

Christmas Break
Morgan and I spent Christmas break in Eau Claire with our families. It was great seeing everyone and always nice to relax some at home. Then we went on a one night staycation in Stillwater. We had a blast, I wish we could have stayed longer, but I already told you about our vacation restrictions. Hehe. Finally, break ended with a bang when all my college friends came up from Chicago for the weekend. It was great to see them and be able to show them around MSP.
Spring Break
Yes, we have already had spring break. Yes, I know its only the second week in March. Ugh. Clearly I don't make the schedule. Over the first four days of spring break, we went to sunny, warm, exotic Cable, WI. We joined my parents for the annual Birkebinder cross country ski race. My dad skied the entire race, while my brother, Alex, did the half-race. We had a great time and it was actually really nice weather. Then we made a quick stop in the good old Eau Claire to get some dental work done. Finally, I spent the rest of spring break studying for the MPRE (multistate professional responsibility exam) which is required to get admitted to the bar. Fun times.
Alex ordered the LARGEST steak know to man at the victory dinner. Apparently, he didn't know what 22oz meant.
Law School
Morgan and I have now finished 2.5+ years of law school and are inching closer to being completely done. We happily finished classes and finals in December to reach the 2.5 year mark. We were thrilled to finish our Advocacy class (class on trial and appellate advocacy skills), which seemed to be taking over our lives last semester. I can't even remember finals they were so bad ;-). No, they were fine, I'm glad they're over, and I think that's enough said.
We started school again in January, and are now half-way through our last semester ever. I know that there were some people earlier today on facebook (you know who you are) that were doubting if this is really it for me. Well, I'm 100% sure this is it for me. I have no desire to continue my education any further, I think 22ish years is enough. But, I won't speak for Morgan, so maybe he'll head back to school someday. Anyway, school this semester has been fine, although its been fairly difficult to find motivation. The semester is half over now, so I'll make it. We graduate May 23, which will hopefully come sooner than it sounds.
Morgan and I are both still at our jobs. We have both been at our jobs for over a year and enjoy them. We are currently looking for permanent jobs for the fall. The job market is still pretty soft, but there are some jobs out there. It might take a little longer than we hoped when we started law school, but it will eventually happen.
We are getting closer to being lawyers though, our bar applications are due by this coming Monday. Morgan mailed his today, and I'll mail mine in next couple. Its an exciting time, and if all goes well we will be taking the bar in July. The only bummer is that the exam is soooooo expensive, $600 per person, so goodbye any chance of going on vacation soon.
The Dogs
Last time I posted we had just adopted Lexi. After 3 months, I'm happy to say shes a keeper. Although, she is a little more than we bargained for. After getting to know her, its clear that she is still a puppy. We put her age at closer to one than two (which is what the human society told us). She is wild, loving, and a just a little bit destructive. So far there has been no major damage, but we've learned not to leave pens, paper, food (of any kind - she will eat ANYTHING - weirdest yet has been raw red cabbage), hair ties, anything colorful that looks like a toy, baby toys, and plants out of her reach.
Nettie and Lexi (or Lexi Lu as we now call her) LOVE each other. Its been great for Nettie to have her around. They play, they sleep together, they eat together, and pretty much just have a great time. Nettie has also been great at teaching Lexi all her bad habits, such as going on the couch and barking at the vacuum.

Christmas Break
Morgan and I spent Christmas break in Eau Claire with our families. It was great seeing everyone and always nice to relax some at home. Then we went on a one night staycation in Stillwater. We had a blast, I wish we could have stayed longer, but I already told you about our vacation restrictions. Hehe. Finally, break ended with a bang when all my college friends came up from Chicago for the weekend. It was great to see them and be able to show them around MSP.
Spring Break
Yes, we have already had spring break. Yes, I know its only the second week in March. Ugh. Clearly I don't make the schedule. Over the first four days of spring break, we went to sunny, warm, exotic Cable, WI. We joined my parents for the annual Birkebinder cross country ski race. My dad skied the entire race, while my brother, Alex, did the half-race. We had a great time and it was actually really nice weather. Then we made a quick stop in the good old Eau Claire to get some dental work done. Finally, I spent the rest of spring break studying for the MPRE (multistate professional responsibility exam) which is required to get admitted to the bar. Fun times.

OK! I blogged. I can't promise I'll be back anytime soon, but I'll try. :-)