Articles from July 2010

July 31, 2010

Done Done Done!

FINALLY! We are completely done!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe this day has finally gotten here. Morgan and I are completely done with law school and done with the bar exam. The results will be published in mid-October, so we can finally start to enjoy the things we used to without the guilt of homework or studying to weigh us down. And believe me, we are already starting to take full advantage of that. Over the last few days we have really enjoyed relaxing, spending the day sleeping in, and finally putting the last touches on our new place. Best of all we have been able to see our friends again!! On Thursday we were able to go out to a birthday dinner with my great friend Kara, who I would not have made it through law school without, and our dogs. We had a great time introducing Lexi to the world of restaurants. Then yesterday, I was able to hang out with my sister in law Angie. We get together once a month to hang out and thankfully we squeezed July in at the last minute.  I had an awes
July 17, 2010

Bar Exam

Welcome to my last post before July 29. Only 11 days before the Bar Exam starts! I'm at the point now where I just want to get it over with and never have to study again. But Ill will push through, and keep studying as best I can. I've been getting a lot of questions about how the bar exam actually works, so I thought I would outline what the test entails. The test is broken up into two days, each with two 3-hour sessions, the morning session and the afternoon session. Day 1: Morning Session:   The exam starts at 9:00 am, and at this time we will be taking something called the MPT. The MPT is a 90 minute closed universe essay. In this part of the exam, we are given all the law and all the facts we need for the problem in a big case file. Then we are usually asked to write some lawyerly document such as a letter to a client, an opinion by a judge, or part of a contract. This part of the exam tests our ability to think on our feet, time management, and our ability to pull app
July 07, 2010


Wow, a couple of days quickly turned into two weeks! How did that happen? Well, honestly, its because I've been so darn busy again. This summer seems to be melting away quicker than anything I've ever experienced. Its hard to explain, but the more I dread the bar exam the faster it seems to approach. Needless to say, most of my time (and Morgan's for that matter) are spent studying for the bar exam. This week we have our last few classes, and then just about two weeks to study on our own (SCARY!). Last Thursday and Friday we took a practice bar exam, which basically has made me even more nervous about my ability to actually pass this thing. But there is no sense focusing on that, I am going to try to remain positive and hope that at least 10% of the people out there are either dumber than me, or didn't study as hard as me (hmmm, that's not sounding that positive but its the best I can do right now). Morgan and I have been able to have some free-time over the las