a BOY!!!! Baby Henry Morgan Kavanaugh is expected sometime around March 20, 2011! The ultrasound was one of the best moments of my life! It was seriously amazing. Morgan and my Mom both came with to the ultrasound, and we got to see every little part of baby Henry. The ultrasound tech started at his head and worked his way down, which made for a tense 20 min until the gender was revealed. But it was still pretty awesome. First, we got to see all four sections of his brain. Then his face and lips (they were checking to make sure he doesn't have a cleft lip). Then we took a look at his heart. It was crazy how much detail we were able to see. We saw it beating at the 9 week ultrasound, but this time we were able to see all four chambers as the blood was pumping through. Then we checked the umbilical cord connection, and the placenta. Then the tech checked his spine and back. Then we checked his legs and little feet - and I'm happy to report that he had 10 toes! Finally, it cam...