WOW! Another month over! Time is really starting to fly. I'm now officially 28 weeks (and 1 day today since I'm getting a late start on blogging) or 7 months! I have a feeling the next couple months will go a lot slower than the past month, now that the holidays are pretty much over and anticipation for Henry's arrival is at an all time high. But either way, I'm extremely excited to have made it to my final trimester.
28 Weeks! And yes this is taken with our new camera! |
Over the last month, I have felt really pretty good. I've had an increase in back pain, but I guess that's expected. I've also started to notice some swelling in my hands and feet when I get warm. It will be interesting to see how long my wedding ring will continue to fit, since over the last week its been a little bit tight by the end of the day. OH...and heartburn. Ugh. Heartburn has come back into my life with some kind of rage. I swear some nights I could literally breathe fire. Since I was diagnosed with acid reflux disease a few years ago I have dealt with heartburn on a daily basis (usually it is controlled by prescription medication - but right now I'm stuck with Tums). But never like this. This heartburn is so bad I feel it in my back and in my ears (I know it sounds weird to say I feel it in my ears, but actually this happens a lot - almost like I have an infection or something - ouch)! But other than these couple of complaints, I feel great! And really I feel pretty great most of the time.
Up close. 28 Weeks. Yes, you can now see my belly-button through a shirt. |
Henry is still doing great as far as we know (I have my next doctor's appointment on Wednesday to find out for sure). It's been two months since we have seen him on an ultrasound and I really wish we could see him again. But on the other hand, no more ultrasounds means a healthy baby, so I also hope we don't have another ultrasound. Over the last month, Henry has gotten a lot more active. A month ago I don't think I would have believed could happen. He flips, rolls, punches, kicks, and hiccups. Its pretty amazing. A few times it has caused me to verbally say "ouch" or something like that because they have been so strong. Also, I have started to feel actual body parts when I push down on my stomach. Its pretty cool! He's not big enough for me to tell what they are, but just big enough for me to tell that they are there.
Also, over the last month Henry has gotten too big to hide from most people. Which means as long as he is awake, other people can feel him move. Henry has also fallen in love with his Daddy. Henry goes absolutely wild for Morgan now. Whenever Morgan talks to him or even just comes into the room (especially first thing in the morning), Henry goes nuts. Every time this happens I just want to cry, it's just so precious. I know this is the beginning of a life-long bond between the two!
OK, I'm giving you one bare-belly shot. Only because I don't know how much longer it will be stretch mark free! |
Well that's pretty much it. I have my test for gestational diabetes (standard procedure - I have no warning signs) this Wednesday. So, I'm a little nervous about it. Hopefully all is well, and I'll have nothing to report back on until next month!