When I got pregnant, I learned just how much baby gear there is out there! It's absolutely crazy! And of course, you think you need every single thing or else you baby will be totally miserable, you'll never sleep, and your baby wont get into college! So you stock up on every little gadget, toy, and all the must-have gear. But then the baby comes, reality sets in, and you learn that your baby hates that expensive swing (:cough:Henry!:cough:) sitting in your living room. But after a little over a month, there is certainly gear that I LOVE and can't imagine having a baby without. This is the baby stuff I love, for month 1: Vibrating Bouncy Seat: I really wouldn't get any sleep without this seat. Henry loves, and therefore lives in, this seat. He sleeps and plays in it during the day, at night, when he's crabby, and when he's happy. It the only thing I have literally cried over (when the batteries died). The only downside to this chair are the batteries. They ...