So it turns out that babies are really time consuming (haha - I did actually know this before Henry was born, but the reality is sinking in). I've sat down to write this post three times already and every time Henry has needed me. But finally! A two week update on precious baby Henry.
With my two babies! Lexi is slowly adjusting to life as my second priority. |
Chilling with Daddy! |
Henry is officially two weeks old now, and as of yesterday has been home for two weeks! Time is absolutely flying by. Everyday the little guy changes. I kinda hate that, I already miss my tiny newborn. Hes already huge! As of last Thursday, he weighs 8 pounds 8 ounces and is 21 inches long (that's 11 oz more than he weighted at birth, and 1.5 inches longer). He no longer fits in most of his newborn clothes

and will soon be making the transition to size 1 diapers. He has also lost his little umbilical cord stump. Its just crazy to think about all that has changed, he even looks super different from his newborn pictures.
We've had a bunch of visitors. Here Jocelyn was "sharing" her blankets and toys with Henry by giving them to Renee while she held Henry. |
With Aunt Ashley. |
Henry really is a great baby. He has been really alert from birth and will stay awake for 3 or so hours at a time, during the day. He is also super strong! He can hold his head up for a couple minutes at a time, and turns his head toward noises. So far, his favorite activities are staring out the windows and bouncing in his bouncy-seat. He's eating like a champ, and nursing is going really well. Henry is also sleeping pretty good, around 6 or so hours a night.
Same size as Lexi. |
A newborn shirt - clearly no longer sad. |
We are having a problem with gas. Henry seems pretty determined not to burp after he eats, so he ends up with painful gas. We are using gas drops which help a lot with the pain. Hopefully he starts burping better (or I learn a better technique) and the gas goes away as his system matures. But, so far (knock on wood), he really only cries when he has gas. Even when hes hungry in the middle of the night, he only whines and sucks on his hands.
Well Henry is sleeping now, so I'm going to try to get in a nap before he has to eat again! I will get back to blogging more regularly soon!