When I got pregnant, I learned just how much baby gear there is out there! It's absolutely crazy! And of course, you think you need every single thing or else you baby will be totally miserable, you'll never sleep, and your baby wont get into college! So you stock up on every little gadget, toy, and all the must-have gear. But then the baby comes, reality sets in, and you learn that your baby hates that expensive swing (:cough:Henry!:cough:) sitting in your living room.
But after a little over a month, there is certainly gear that I LOVE and can't imagine having a baby without. This is the baby stuff I love, for month 1:
Vibrating Bouncy Seat: I really wouldn't get any sleep without this seat. Henry loves, and therefore lives in, this seat. He sleeps and plays in it during the day, at night, when he's crabby, and when he's happy. It the only thing I have literally cried over (when the batteries died). The only downside to this chair are the batteries. They last about a week (if you don't accidentally leave it on and come back hours later to an empty vibrating chair) but require 4 D batteries. I would give my right arm for this thing to have a plug in feature - seriously!
Henry enjoying his chair. |
Halo Sleepsack with Swaddle: These are great! They keep Henry warm at night while cutting the risk of SIDS. And because it's Velcro, Henry can't get out of it, so it cannot suffocate him and it won't come off and allow Henry to startle himself awake. These do have a downside, they are hard to get off and on in the middle of the night for diaper changes. We also have a problem with the zippers coming undone from the top. Sadly, our time with these is coming to an end. Henry has decided he is done with the swaddle. The last two nights he has fought it, and actually sleeps better without it. But the halo sleepsack was awesome while it lasted.
Burrito Henry. |
Mam Pacifiers: These tiny little pacifiers are perfect. They are lightweight, small, and really cute. They have no "right side up" which is nice in the middle of the night. You never have to worry that you have it in the right way. My favorite part is that they don't take up his whole face when he is sucking on them, like others do.
Hen with his "patchy." |
I hope to do more of these "Things I love" as the months go on!