Its about time I finally update! Henry turned four months old (I just
wrote "one month old" and had to correct myself - I think that's enough
said for how fast time is flying by) last week! I need to step up my
blogging game.
Anyway, I have a four month old! Ah. And boy is it fun. Henry has
suddenly turned into Mr. Personality; he laughs, smiles, screams, talks,
and screeches at just about everything and everyone right now! It's
amazing how responsive he is. We spend the day chatting and having all
sorts of little conversations. I love every minute of it.
His special elevated bed to help with his acid reflux - Fisher price Rock 'n Play. Henry now naps exclusively in this in his bedroom. |
This month Henry met his Great Aunt Patti! |
At four months, Hen is 25.75 inches long (the 81% for his age - that's
right it's possible that two short people are going to have a tall
child!) and weighs 14 pounds 12 ounces. He is still in size 2 diapers
but wears clothes, depending on the brand, up to size 6-9 months. This month he rolled from belly to back, started taking steps when standing (of course he still needs help standing), discovered his feet and can pull them all the way to his mouth, he can sit by himself when supported with his hands (tripod-ing), transfers toys from one hand to the other, and started blowing raspberries.
He looks so big in his bouncer now! |
Henry's favorite things over the last month have been
Sophie the Giraffe, any piece
of fabric or paper, his tag blanket, and his exersaucer. Henry also loves baths and
being naked (and is therefore back to fighting us when we get him
dressed). Being outside is also still a favorite, and the hotter the
better. I swear he would sit out in the sun and bake if he could. Hen also loves watching children and babies, listening to music, and being in new places.
Getting ready to start solid food in the next couple weeks. Right now he is still exclusively breastfed. |
First time in the baby pool. The picture is foggy because it was so hot and humid the lens was fogging up. |
But for every one thing Henry likes, there seems to be two things Henry hates.
He is a very particular baby, and isn't afraid to let you know when he
is unhappy. Henry still hates the car, and isn't particularly fond of
the stroller. After chatting with our doctor it seems that it is likely Hen gets motion sickness from the movement. Unfortunately this is
something he will have to deal with when driving around town, but we did
get medicine for longer trips (which worked great recently). Henry also hates the taste of his acid reflux medicine now (I don't blame him - its nasty), and he has become a champion spitter.
Happy one minute. |
Screaming the next. |
He has NO in between. |
Speaking of acid reflux, Henry is doing much better. For the first half of this month, it was well controlled with his medication. But as he grew, he outgrew the dose he was on. This caused him to have some major sleep problems again. We are still working on finding a good dose for him. At this point, we have a dose that helps him sleep, but is causing him to throw up fairly frequently. So its a work in progress. I hope to get some sleep at some point - but I think for the time being it seems that I just need to live with him waking every couple hours (or less).