5 Months Old! He wouldn't smile for a single picture. 5 months old! Yay! I have no weight/height stats since he doesn't have a doctor appointment this month. But no doctor appointment means no shots, so I'm happy! He is getting big though, and is rapidly outgrowing his 3-6 month clothes and moving into 6-9, and is still in a size 2 diaper. This month can be summed up in two words: Sleep Deprivation. Henry's sleep this month has been horrible . He's been sleeping in 1-3 hour spurts, which is significantly less than he slept at even one month old. Blah. I'm pretty much a walking zombie at this point, but I guess it comes with the new-parent territory. A lot of the sleep problems have been attributed to Henry's acid reflux. This month alone he has had his medication dose/type of medication changed 4 times. Over the last 3 days, Henry has been on a new type of medication which I hope will help him. But this medication takes several days to become fully ef...