5 Months Old! He wouldn't smile for a single picture. |
5 months old! Yay! I have no weight/height stats since he doesn't have a doctor appointment this month. But no doctor appointment means no shots, so I'm happy! He is getting big though, and is rapidly outgrowing his 3-6 month clothes and moving into 6-9, and is still in a size 2 diaper.
This month can be summed up in two words: Sleep Deprivation. Henry's sleep this month has been
horrible. He's been sleeping in 1-3 hour spurts, which is significantly less than he slept at even one month old. Blah. I'm pretty much a walking zombie at this point, but I guess it comes with the new-parent territory. A lot of the sleep problems have been attributed to Henry's acid reflux. This month alone he has had his medication dose/type of medication changed 4 times. Over the last 3 days, Henry has been on a new type of medication which I hope will help him. But this medication takes several days to become fully effective, so only time will tell.
Most of the pictures I took of Henry this month look like this; he just really wants to grab then eat the camera. |
Henry and Opa. |
It has been a busy month around here, with a bunch of firsts for Henry. He had his first trip to the zoo, and to the pool, he started solid foods, and we started learning baby sign language. And the major development is that Henry has started sitting up unassisted! He can sit without support for up to 15 minutes at a time! I still have to sit him up, but he is working on pulling himself up to sitting. He has also discovered the joy of playing on his stomach, and rolls over all.the.time! If I walk out of the room when he is on the floor and come back two minutes later, I swear he is half way across the room in a totally new position! Its crazy. I don't have very much time until he is fully mobile.
This was the first time he sat up on his own. I just turned around and this was how he was sitting! |
So close! His days in the swing are numbered. |
Over the last month, Hen has become so much more aware of his environment. Its amazingly cute. He now looks in the direction of the doorway when the hardwood floor creaks to see who is coming. He also laughs when other people laugh, and turns toward people when they say his name. Hen also has decided the dogs are the greatest playthings ever. He reaches to pet and grab them (thankfully the dogs are being nice - because Henry is not nice or gentle to them). He also laughs when Nettie and Lexi play with one another. Henry now also reaches his hands up when he wants to be picked up, and reaches to a person if he wants them to hold him. Finally, he looks for objects on the floor when he drops them, and gets angry when you take away his toys.
This was the hat we brought Henry home from the hospital in. He's getting so big. |
Being "nice" to Lexi. She has been a really good dog despite how rough Henry is. |
Clearly he's advanced since he knows how many months old he is! Hehe. |
Henry is still having a lot of the same issues with pooping, reflux, and driving in the car that he has had over the last several months. I'm thinking that I'll just leave those at that and maybe write a separate post on them. But they are still present, and we are working through them.
So the next time I write one of these Henry will be a 1/2 year old! Crazy. Time is flying, and I'm loving every minute of it!
Jumper! |