On Sunday we finally got around to taking Henry to a Pumpkin Patch! We had been saying for weeks that we should go to an apple orchard, but life was busy and apples turned to pumpkins. And I'm glad they did. I had an absolute blast; certainly more fun than picking a pumpkin from a giant bin at Target.
We went to
Pine Tree Apple Orchard in White Bear Lake. The orchard was actually really nice. They had a ton of activities, good food, hayrides, apple orchards, and fields of pumpkins. And everything was very reasonably priced!
We didn't do too many of the activities while we were there, Henry was a total grump for the first half of our visit and it was pretty chilly. But next year, I'm doing that corn maze!
The corn wasn't even that tall, but it made Hen look so little. |
Notice the lack of smiles on Henry's face? Well the first half of the visit he was having a total breakdown for some reason, including a full-on meltdown while we were smack dab in the middle of the huge line to order food. I ended up dragging him screaming all the way back to the car to nurse and calm him down. Embarrassing. When we went back to the food area, Hen wasn't much better. Total crab. I even tried feeding him some sweetened apple but all I got was...
At this point I figured we were going to have a real quick trip, but in true Henry fashion, he flipped a switch and was a total happy little ham by the time we got to the pumpkin fields. We literally changed nothing; but Hen sure did...
I think he loved that we were letting him play with something that isn't a "baby toy." |
I guess he was really eager to pick out our pumpkin?! I can't figure him out. Anyway. We searched the field for awhile before finding the perfect, not too big, not too small, round, pumpkin! After some obligatory pictures next too Henry's first pumpkin, it was time to head home (but not before another total meltdown in the car).
First Pumpkin, right where we found it. |
Henry's pumpkin weighted more than he did when he was born! And its really not even that big. |
All in all, it was a perfect day. And Morgan and I definitely have a new fall tradition.
Henry's pumpkin is on the right, the other pumpkin we had to get it was so cute. For some reason, it reminded us of Lexi, and so we had to get it. "We can't leave Lexi behind" |