Yep. That's right, we have a walker. No, not Scott (sorry, I couldn't resist a little Wisconsin political humor). A standing on two feet, moving where ever you want, at lightening speed, walker.
Because of an unfortunate series of events, I'll get to that soon, I spent this afternoon watching Henry play. And although I stay home with him everyday, its not often I have the time to really watch him at play. While I enjoyed the opportunity, I realized Henry's not really crawling anymore. Obviously I realized this before, he took his first independent (no encouragement or help) steps on Christmas, but for the past week I've been saying its 50/50 walking/crawling, but that's not true if you really watch him.
He was walking everywhere. Up and down. Squatting. Carrying things around. Turning around. Going from room to room. It goes on and on. Totally.Non.Stop. Will someone PLEASE tell me when my baby grew up?! How did this happen?
I wouldn't say I'm thrilled Henry is walking at 9 months old. But I am proud. And I've accepted my fate that I'll never sit still again...
...and a video, from last night. Even though I have to resist the urge to push him down to stop him from walking, I'll admit it is darn cute to watch!
My 9 month old is walking, take pity on me and vote!

Because of an unfortunate series of events, I'll get to that soon, I spent this afternoon watching Henry play. And although I stay home with him everyday, its not often I have the time to really watch him at play. While I enjoyed the opportunity, I realized Henry's not really crawling anymore. Obviously I realized this before, he took his first independent (no encouragement or help) steps on Christmas, but for the past week I've been saying its 50/50 walking/crawling, but that's not true if you really watch him.
He was walking everywhere. Up and down. Squatting. Carrying things around. Turning around. Going from room to room. It goes on and on. Totally.Non.Stop. Will someone PLEASE tell me when my baby grew up?! How did this happen?
I wouldn't say I'm thrilled Henry is walking at 9 months old. But I am proud. And I've accepted my fate that I'll never sit still again...
...and a video, from last night. Even though I have to resist the urge to push him down to stop him from walking, I'll admit it is darn cute to watch!
My 9 month old is walking, take pity on me and vote!