I stumbled up on the idea of tot school about two months ago and immediately decided that Henry and I are doing it. I'm starting to think that I missed my life's calling to be a teacher. Tot school is fun structured learning for toddlers. Its basically like a preschool for toddlers. One reason for doing it, other than I think its a ton of fun, is to make sure Henry doesn't fall behind his daycare peers. Daycare centers are so amazing at teaching young children their colors, numbers, Spanish, and a whole host of other skills, I think its very easy for a child at home to fall behind. Transferring balls from one bowl to another using a scoop -- our first tot school activity. My biggest inspiration has been 1+1+1=1 . Its an amazing website with a great way to start a tot school program. Through this program, a few of my new favorite tot school blogs, and of course pinterest, I have started to gather supplies and set up a "classroom." I have done a few ...