Linking up with TAT again, because its awesome! If you're visiting through Growing up Geeky -- Welcome and I hope you stick around!
This week's topic is things you never thought you would do.
I never thought I would...

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This week's topic is things you never thought you would do.
I never thought I would...
- Sob, and I mean full on sob, after our bouncy seat ran out of batteries one time.
- Become a stay-at-home mom, then a work-at-home mom.
- Watch, for lack of a better word, a baby poop rainbow spray across a room at 3 a.m. (Aren't you happy I don't have a picture of this one?)
- Put my baby in front of the T.V.
- Give up dairy for over a year (and counting) to continue breastfeeding.
- Know all the words to at least 7 different Fischer Price toy songs.
- Be happy to sleep into 7:45.
This list could go on and on. What are some things you thought you would never do as a parent?
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