This post is way overdue. I've alluded to the fact that I'm working from home a few times, but I've never gone into detail.
{Quick back story -- I went to Loyola University of Chicago and got a B.A. in history, then I immediately went to William Mitchell College of Law in 2007. In 2010, I took and passed the bar exam making me a licensed attorney -- 3 weeks after I found out I was pregnant. I do not want to be a lawyer, but that's another story.}
Ok, back to my job. Basically, I'm a part-time independent contractor working for a consulting company. And honestly, I love it.
It's the perfect job for me right now. It's legal-related work, but it's 100 percent flexible and I work completely from home. My job consists of researching, writing, and editing bloggy {that's a word, right?} type articles. I work somewhere between 15-20 hours a week.
My job has some serious perks. I have no set schedule -- just deadlines. I can work anywhere, anytime. I never have to deal with people, and I've never even met my boss. I have no dress code, no annoying co-workers, no commute. Seriously, I still wonder how I've gotten so lucky.
But {you had to know a "but" was coming} its not all great. Being a work-at-home mom, with no help, is hard. If Henry is napping, I'm working. When Henry goes down for the night, I'm working. Saturday night, I'm working. Sometimes, I honestly feel like a walking zombie. My free time is extremely limited. The only day that I don't have to work is Friday -- but otherwise, for the most part, this is a 6 day a week job, weekdays for writing, weekends for editing.
Most days, I start my day with Hen at 6 am and end my work day at 10 pm. It's physically, mentally, and emotionally draining. But, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm obviously sacrificing my free-time in order to do what I really really want, which is to stay home with Hen...if only I could win the lottery.
{And yes, that's a coke can tower. No, it hasn't been there awhile. I'm just that gross.}
What do you do? What's your dream job? Link up and share!
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