Toddle Along Tuesday is back after its small break! The topic this week is balance.
My first response is: "What's Balance?"
If any of you saw my guest post last week on Growing Up Geeky, then you know I don't have balance. {If you haven't checked it out yet -- you should!}
I have a very hard time taking that time for myself and not focusing 100 percent on others. But, like I said in my other post, I'm truly working on it.
I'm trying to set some more time apart just for me. And, I'm trying not to feel super guilty if I let Morgan help out a little more around the house. I'm taking my free time and trying, as much as I can, to enjoy it.
Why is this so hard for moms? Can anyone tell me? I used to be able to sit down and watch TV or play a video game for hours on end. I never felt guilty, anxious, or worried about it. Taking time for myself was a given.
Now, its the complete opposite. I always feel like I'm "on-the-clock" so to speak. Like, I am always accountable to someone.
But, like I said, I'm working on it. Remember that horrible unibrow? Yeah -- that's gone! I got that sucker waxed off! And, I even have a haircut scheduled!
How do you find balance? Any one have a good tips on making time for yourself?

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My first response is: "What's Balance?"
If any of you saw my guest post last week on Growing Up Geeky, then you know I don't have balance. {If you haven't checked it out yet -- you should!}
I have a very hard time taking that time for myself and not focusing 100 percent on others. But, like I said in my other post, I'm truly working on it.
I'm trying to set some more time apart just for me. And, I'm trying not to feel super guilty if I let Morgan help out a little more around the house. I'm taking my free time and trying, as much as I can, to enjoy it.
Why is this so hard for moms? Can anyone tell me? I used to be able to sit down and watch TV or play a video game for hours on end. I never felt guilty, anxious, or worried about it. Taking time for myself was a given.
Now, its the complete opposite. I always feel like I'm "on-the-clock" so to speak. Like, I am always accountable to someone.
But, like I said, I'm working on it. Remember that horrible unibrow? Yeah -- that's gone! I got that sucker waxed off! And, I even have a haircut scheduled!
How do you find balance? Any one have a good tips on making time for yourself?
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