It's Toddle Along Tuesday time! This week's topic is unconventional toddler toys. Well, tot school is all about unconventional toys. As those of you that follow us on Facebook know, this past weekend I shared that we had brought out the baby-food squeeze pouch lid game that Henry and I had played with back in purple week.
To make, you'll need:
Squeeze pouch lids
Empty deli {or similar container} with lid
Then, all you need to do is cut a hole in the middle of the lid of the deli container. I traced one of the squeeze-lids and cut it the exact same size.
The trick, I found, is to make it more of a challenge to get the lid into the container -- there is something satisfying about popping it in for Henry. Of course, you could always make it bigger, if your toddler was having a difficult time.
Henry {and several of his friends} played with this game for a really long time! Seriously, it's worth the effort. Plus, I'm sure we can all figure out tons more uses for those squeeze lids over time!
What unconventional toys do your kids play with? Link up and share!
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