The more I have started to learn about and incorporate Montessori into my home and parenting, the more I realized that it was easy to get lost in the immense amount of resources available online. So many, in fact, that it is easy to become overwhelmed. Recently, I've been asked by a few different people for a list of my favorite online Montessori resources. So, thought I would share a list with everyone.
In no particular order, my favorite Montessori Blogs/Bloggers are:
Montessori MOMents: Montessori at work in a home school setting. She has great ideas, especially for older kids.
How We Montessori: Another home school site. I particularly love the information about setting up Montessori inspired spaces in your home.
Pinterest Linkup: Living Montessori Now has an excellent link up for Montessori bloggers where you can find tons of really amazing boards! Including Me.
I'm of course forgetting a million awesome sites, but if you're interested in learning about Montessori, I think these are a really great place to start. And just to be clear, I have no affiliation with these blogs, just admiring their work!
Do you have any you would add to the list? Do you blog about Montessori or tot school? Leave a comment, I love reading new blogs!
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