I wrote this post about Henry's tantrums at almost 1-year-old. Almost exactly a year ago. I think it's funny looking back at it now because when Henry is really screaming now, he looks JUST like this. I almost, kinda relish those moments cause it brings me right back to his little newborn face.
But back then, his tantrums were so sudden. And, honestly much more frequent than they are today. Today, I can see the look on his face, see the tantrum unfolding, see his whole world falling apart. Back then, the littlest thing every little thing set him off into the same familiar pattern -- scream, tears, happy -- and nothing I did could prevent or stop them.
Today, tantrums are much more drawn out and just different. I happened to have my phone the other day and snapped a tantrum. Henry had a mini-cupcake for snack, but quickly realized he ate it all and wanted another. I told him no, that was enough cupcake. And, here's Hen's tantrum at almost 2-years-old:
Henry gets the news that I won't be giving him another cupcake. He fights back tears, trying his best to understand, process, and be alright with the disappointment.
Then comes the pleading. "Whhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy?! Noooooo!"
Then, a brief moment of acceptance. Before...

totally losing it.
I try to ignore him when he gets too bad, he usually just needs space to deal with his emotions on his own. But if it goes on for too long I will try and distract him. We hit about the 10 minute mark of the wailing so I pulled out some sticky hearts I was saving for Valentines Day.

He was happy with the hearts for a minute, before he said "cupcake?" and was right back at it. In total, the tantrum lasted 30 minutes from start to finish. He finally calmed down after taking him downstairs to tot school and completely away from the kitchen.
I'm a little relieved these don't happen as frequently as his baby tantrums did. But, these are pretty exhausting too. Toddlers are no joke.
Have you noticed a change it your toddler's tantrums as they've gotten older?
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