This week in tot school was the letter I. We kind of did I is for ice cream, but since Henry is allergic to dairy he's never actually had an ice cream cone, so he was a little confused, so we mixed other I words in too. Prior to the week Henry could identify an I and i and say I.
On the first tray, was an ice cube tray, a glass cup filled with sea glass, and a small spoon. The idea was for him scoop a piece of sea glass into each cube space to practice some 1 to 1 correspondence. Instead, Henry flipped out anytime any glass went into the tray.
Instead, he preferred to dump out the cup and place the glass back into the cup by hand while counting. It turned out to be a good lesson in being gentle, fine motor work, and counting. This was by far his favorite tray this week.
Instead, he preferred to dump out the cup and place the glass back into the cup by hand while counting. It turned out to be a good lesson in being gentle, fine motor work, and counting. This was by far his favorite tray this week.
On the second tray was a sheet of different insects I made and a cup filled with corresponding insect cards. He could then match them up. Henry really enjoyed this activity but got bored of it quickly. He probably needed a few more insects on the sheet.
On the third tray, was a sheet with some ice cream cone examples that asked how many ice cream scoops he wanted. Then on a second glass tray was a felt cone and a bunch of felt scoops. Then, he could stack up the ice cream scoops to make his cone.
He had a lot of fun with this despite not understanding the ice cream. He had a lot of fun counting scoops and assigning family names to each color scoop -- like "pink is daddy."
There was also a letter I sensory bin. The poor bin was kinda lame and empty. Henry definitely noticed that it was more empty than usual and ignored it pretty much all week. He played some with the iguanas in the bin, but not much else.
Other things we did this week included:
An ice sensory bin: I included a bunch of different shapes of ice cubes, a couple of cold animals {polar bear, seal, shark, whale, and a penguin}, and some scoops. This kept Henry busy for over an hour! He loved it so much and was very sad to see it melt.
Ice Cream Puzzle: another favorite for the week
Letter Mats: These were really fun! I had them around our playroom when Hen got up for a nap. We would run around while I sang a song, then stop and jump to the nearest letter. Then, Henry would have to tell me what letter we found. We also put them all in order and marched on them as we sang the ABCs.
Letter Mats: These were really fun! I had them around our playroom when Hen got up for a nap. We would run around while I sang a song, then stop and jump to the nearest letter. Then, Henry would have to tell me what letter we found. We also put them all in order and marched on them as we sang the ABCs.