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April 28, 2014

Letter I Tot School

Letter I was a surprisingly fun week. I is not the easiest letter and we were a little limited, but Henry was very into a few of the trays. Thanks to a snow day (yes, we are still getting some snow days) for tot school co-op, we had these materials for two weeks, and Henry actually used and enjoyed some of them the whole time.

The first tray was an instrument matching tray. The object of this tray was to match the instruments to the letter that they start with. If it was done correctly, the instruments would fill in the letter I. Henry is very interested in what letter things start with so this was a big hit. (And as a special treat, Hen actually let me take some pictures of him working!)

Letter i tot school! Hands on learning ideas for toddlers.

The second tray was a variation on the ice cream tray I made last time we did the letter I at tot school. At that point, we were just talking about the color of all the scoops. This time, I included some pattern matching cards to follow. I like this because it worked on a new pattern -- bottom to top matching. It was just the change Hen needed to stay interested. Although, as a dairy-free kid he STILL has no idea how ice cream cones work and was convinced that the small end was the top.

The third tray was an ice sorting tray. I completely forgot to get a picture of the ice before it melted. But it had 5 different types of ice, tweezers, and a sorting tray. I liked this because Henry is still reluctant to consistently used a tool to transfer. But, he hates being cold. So, this encouraged using the tweezers instead of his hands!

Other things we did included:

We did another special week for one of the kids at the co-op who has a few i's in his name. One was a puzzle where if the picture was complete it would also spell his name. The other has a a shape matching bubble sheet which spelled his name.

Henry loved using this tray to sort the colors and shapes. His initial reaction is still to sort by color, but he did a great job with the shapes too. It was a good change for him.

I didn't get pictures, but we also had a Letter I magnet sheet, Letter I sensory bin, and a sandpaper letter and salt tray.

Letter i tot school! Hands on learning ideas for toddlers.


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Lindsay said…
Awesome activities! I love the ice sorting!