Articles from July 2014

July 25, 2014

Celebrating Nora

Celebrating Nora
For 2.5 years we waited for this little girl -- for our Nora. We waited and waited and waited. And we had to say goodbye to 4 angels before we saw her face. Have I ever mentioned before that 5 is my lucky number? Because it is. And, I don't just feel lucky to have Nora, I feel like I am honestly in the presence of a miracle. Maybe Henry feels that too -- on some level. Maybe that's why he is so so in love. I will never stop celebrating Nora -- the miracle and the love. Ever. So, without further ado... We Proudly Introduce Nora Marjorie Kavanaugh Born June 18, 2014 at 2:06 a.m. 7lbs. 12oz, 20 inches long With love, Morgan, Nicole, and Big Brother Henry Never stop celebrating. Thank you Tiny Prints for helping us share our celebration!
July 23, 2014

Story Telling

Story Telling
For awhile now, our bedtime routine with Henry has included telling him a story. Morgan and I just make them up and include people or things he likes. Unlike a book, Henry has to follow the story without the use of the pictures and can imagine the scene anyway he likes. Recently, we've noticed that Henry has been dictating to us what should happen in these stories -- who the characters should be, what they are doing, etc. So, we started asking him to tell us a bedtime story and here is my favorite so far -- " There once was a little girl named Nora Marjorie and a little boy named Henry Morgan. (In a low angry voice) Then, along came a big dinosaur that ate Nora and Henry! Ate them, ate them, ate them! Hahahaha!" Seriously, this kid!  Do you or your children enjoy storytelling? 
July 21, 2014

Watermelon Seed Counting

Watermelon Seed Counting
I'm trying my best to keep Henry entertained this summer as we adjust to baby Nora. So, we've still been doing Montessori inspired work as much as we can. One of the trays that we've been working on this summer has been watermelon seed counting .  On this tray, the child is asked to count a specific number of seeds to place on the watermelon slice. The number depends on the number shown on the corresponding cards -- anywhere from 1 to 20. Henry has really enjoyed this activity and I wanted to share it with all of you!  This tray work is a fun variation on traditional Montessori cards and counters. It would work for children that are starting to connect concrete counting of objects with their abstract symbols. Plus, it's just fun and engaging work for summer!  If you would like to use this work too, I created a printable! While I used a felt watermelon, the cards and wooden beads as seeds, the printable contains everything you need to r...
July 18, 2014

Nora -- 1 Month Old

Nora -- 1 Month Old
I just can't believe that we are already here, 1-month-old. Wow, that went fast. It has seriously been the most joyous month of my life. It's been hard, it's been an adjustment, but there has been so much joy.  Nora is the sweetest baby. I don't have official updated growth stats since there's  no doctors appointment this month. But she is growing. She is officially out of all newborn sized clothes and wearing size 1 diapers. She is rocking some serious old man hair right now and some serious baby acne. Nora's eyes are still blue -- much lighter than Hen's ever were.  Personality-wise Nora has been really easy going so far. She lets us know if she needs something, but she's very easily calmed. She pretty much just eats, sleeps and poops (a lot!) Nora is nursing great, but is a constant snacker during the day -- eating every hour or more. I think I've finally figured out most of her cries and noises. She is cooing and...
July 14, 2014

Montessori Inspired Baby Care Basket

Montessori Inspired Baby Care Basket
Henry has been in love with babies for as long as I can remember. Real babies, baby dolls, he loves them all! In order to help him feel included after Nora's birth, I made him this Montessori inspired baby care basket. It allows him to safely use real baby care items and practice being a big brother.  The baby care basket was really easy to pull together. The basket includes a baby doll, a swaddling blanket, a burp cloth, a set of mittens, a pair of socks, a onesie, a newborn diaper, and a hat. These items are placed in a large basket. Henry has access to the items whenever he wants. They are all real baby items, so he is using the exact same things I use with Nora.  I try to encourage Henry to use his baby care basket when he is frustrated that I need to spend more of my time with Nora. It also helps Henry learn care of self skills, as he learns to put the socks, the mittens and other clothes on.  Plus, it's a wonderful way for him to ...
July 11, 2014

July 4, 2014

July 4, 2014
I love the 4th of July. It's one of those holidays that Morgan and I have been able to create our own traditions and spend time as a family. And that's exactly what we did!  For the past several years, we have gone on a trip to the Minnesota Zoo and then enjoy a backyard barbecue with friends.  Henry loved the zoo and his reaction to the fireworks was priceless. And who can resist Henry is goggles and fancy shoes before swimming with friends? This year was extra special because we had Nora. Last year, we had just lost a baby before the 4th of July. This year, we had our rainbow baby and our first family outing.  Even if Nora slept through most of the day, it was still amazing, and I'm looking forward to all the wonderful holidays and family outings ahead.