Henry has been in love with babies for as long as I can remember. Real babies, baby dolls, he loves them all! In order to help him feel included after Nora's birth, I made him this Montessori inspired baby care basket. It allows him to safely use real baby care items and practice being a big brother.
The baby care basket was really easy to pull together. The basket includes a baby doll, a swaddling blanket, a burp cloth, a set of mittens, a pair of socks, a onesie, a newborn diaper, and a hat. These items are placed in a large basket. Henry has access to the items whenever he wants. They are all real baby items, so he is using the exact same things I use with Nora.
I try to encourage Henry to use his baby care basket when he is frustrated that I need to spend more of my time with Nora. It also helps Henry learn care of self skills, as he learns to put the socks, the mittens and other clothes on.
Plus, it's a wonderful way for him to feel included during this time of transition. And, nothing makes me feel better than that!