Nora is just a dream. Seriously, she makes me so happy just by being here. She has her crabby moments but overall she's just a happy, lovey baby.
I'm a couple days late on this update so I could include her stats. Nora is 14 pounds even, and 24.25 inches (so slightly smaller than Henry was at this age.) She wears size 2 diapers, and mostly 3-6 month clothes, although some of her pants are still 0-3 months. She still has big blue eyes and light spikey hair.
This month, Nora has decided to be awake. She went from 5-7 hour stretches a night to between 3-5 hours. She also is spending more and more time awake at night -- so she will get up but not go back to sleep for an hour or two after waking. Napping during the day is still pretty much the same -- mostly 40 minutes long three times a day and the occasional long nap.
Nora is still exclusively breastfed. She is still a huge snacker that nurses pretty much every hour all day. She's stretched the length a little bit, but still pretty much nurses 14 or so times a day.
Nora loves being sat up to watch the kids. Henry is her favorite person of all time. In fact, nothing makes Nora light up the way Henry can. She also loves her Montessori bell rattle, her owl lovie, sitting up in the Bumbo, and (oddly enough) playing with our shower curtain.
I'm having a hard time thinking of too much that Nora really dislikes. We did learn that she is not a fan of driving in the dark and has screamed every time she's had to. And she really hates getting trapped on her belly when her arm (or a toy) make it hard to roll back to her back. She's also not much of a snuggler -- she much prefers to be held out.
Every month with Nora I just feel so grateful that she gets to be here, even if it is hard to see her getting so big so quickly!