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April 06, 2015

Montessori Work Shelves at 8 Months

As Nora has gotten older, it was time to switch out her Montessori work from the work she had at six months. Most of Nora's Montessori work shelves at 8 months have been placed on her work shelves in her bedroom space for the last several weeks. 

Montessori baby play at 8-months-old. Here are some Montessori work ideas for babies.

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Ribbon Basket -- This is just a small basket filled with different ribbons. The ribbons are different colors and textures to keep Nora's interest. Nora loved these. I left the top on this basket, which provided even more fun for Nora. 

Object Permanence Box -- This classic Montessori work was an instant hit, but not for the box. Nora loved the ball. She would take it and bring it up to the hole, but was reluctant to drop the ball. Eventually she dropped the ball and was very excited it came back out. I'll probably leave this out for awhile until she really gets the hang of it.    

Peg and Cup -- This is another traditional infant material. I made this from a cup and peg that I found at a craft store. I rubbed it in a bit of olive oil to protect the wood. Nora absolutely loved this. Henry has a set of rainbow peg people that she always wants. This gave her, her own person to chew on. Plus trying to place it into the cup was a big challenge and great fine motor work. 

Seashells Sensory Basket -- This small basket included a small glass jar filled with tiny seashells and a larger shell. The large shell allowed her to explore the texture of a seashell and the smaller jar allowed her to safely see all sorts of shapes and colors of the shells. Nora loved to shake the shells and put the jar in her mouth. Henry also loved this work. 

Montessori baby play at 8-months-old. Here are some Montessori work ideas for babies.

Grain Sensory Bottles -- These are a new addition to our work, and one of the first things I put in the kitchen for Nora. We have a low cabinet filled with the children's plates/cups/utensils and Henry's other kitchen things. Nora loves this cabinet but was being a tad messy when dragging it all out. To distract her, I placed these sensory bottles in the cabinet. 

Montessori baby play at 8-months-old. Here are some Montessori work ideas for babies.

The bottle are filled with quinoa and wild brown rice. The jars themselves are from a craft store and the basket (that I love and need a million more of!) is from the Target dollar spot. Nora loves these jars. They both make a great sound and are interesting. 

Language Basket -- This language basket continues to be popular with Nora. This basket was on her play shelf in our living room.

To be clear, this work is addition to the Montessori-friendly toys that Nora uses in our home. I love this work, it has been so engaging and I can't wait to prepare more for her!

What does your 8-month-old enjoy? 

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Audrey said…
You are posting in perfect time with Evelyn's age - this is so perfect for me :) I adore the little jars, am definitely going to do the seashells. Thank you for inspiration!
Every Star Is Different
Every time I read one of your posts about Nora I wish so much that I had another little one to use Montessori with from the start. Sigh. Oh well. I'll just have to enjoy reading your blog more often. ;) Such great activities!
Katie Emanuel
Katie Emanuel said…
New to your blog and love your posts! I am always looking for Montessori-inspired activities and ideas, and these are lovely.
Unknown said…
do you think the olive oil with go rancid?
Anonymous said…
Definitely not! It is no different then if you wipe down your wooden cutting board with olive oil.
Mohati said…
Nicole are your sensory bottles/jars made of glass? I am looking for similar ones and wondering if I should go for unbreakable ones for a 6-12 mth old.
Unknown said…
Do you just rotate what you give her daily, my daughter is 7 months and no crawling or rolling so I would have to phyically hand her each object until she gets bored and then the next?