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April 25, 2015

Nora -- 10 Months Old

Ah! I'm late on this again! Poor second child syndrome. Nora is so easy going that I feel like I'm constantly trying to remind myself that she exists. As Henry asks to play for the 100th time in 20 minutes, I'll find Nora quietly and happily occupying herself. 

This past month, Nora has been so great. We have finally had a stretch where she hasn't been too sick. ::knock on wood:: Her growth seems to have tapered off a bit and she's still wearing 12 month sized pants/shirts. Her interest in solid food is way down too. She's still nursing around 9-10 times a day (serious snacker)! She has a tiny bit more blondish-redish hair, and her eyes seem to be staying blue. She now has 5 full teeth -- 3 top, 2 bottom. And another bottom coming through. 

Instead of growing, this month has been about moving and talking. She's now walking between furniture and to people. Instead of crawling, she is following along walls to get where she wants. Once she gets a bit more confidence, I expect she will just walk everywhere. Nora as also started climbing this month. She now climbs up stairs and sometimes onto one of her little chairs. 

She's also babbling up a storm. She now says mama, dada, ba-ba (I'm pretty sure this is brother), all done (ah-da), and no (nah, nah, nah). She said "yeah" once too, but not since. Nora also signs all done, more, milk, mama, and dada. She waves and will play "night-night baby" by laying down. 

Nora loves balls, blocks and music. She loves reading and just looking at books. She loves to empty and fill a container. She is just really so sweet, but she is not a cuddler. She is napping twice (most days) but is still up 2-5 times a night. 

2 months until she's a year old -- this growing up is killing me. 

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