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November 02, 2015

Montessori Friendly Sleep Books for Toddlers

Oh, daylight savings time. Twice a year, you ruin my life. All the sleep dissolves into a puddle of crankiness and tears. For a parent that already doesn't get much sleep, it's an unwelcomed change. Sigh.

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To cope, let's talk about books that talk about sleep. Not that I'm sure these books will actually help my children sleep better, but they're worth a try. Right? Here are some cute, toddler appropriate and Montessori friendly toddler sleep books.

I like these books because they are based on reality with simple words and appealing images. Nora loves Hush, Little Horsie and Baby Faces: Sleep. They are simple, yet beautiful. The calming rhymes aren't half-bad either!

Hopefully, we will all adjust to the new time soon! Until, then I'll be drinking coffee and trying everything to get a little sleep!

Do your kids have a hard time adjusting to the time change? What are your favorite toddler sleep books? 

If you enjoyed this post, check out: On Our Montessori Bookshelves 

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