The closer Nora gets to 3-years-old, the more I realize her interests are changing and growing faster and faster. She is starting to use things in new and interesting ways! This has forced me to do some intense observation to try and figure out exactly what she needs out right now. Nora's Montessori toddler materials at nearly 3-years-old include a variety of fine motor trays, language, and now sensorial work!
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Here's a look at her tray work!
Shape Sorting -- she kept asking for me to take this out and has used a bunch, I thought we were past it!
Bead Lacing -- she is moving away from this and so actually removed it after I took a picture.
Simple jigsaw puzzles -- this is a vintage puzzle that is getting to the end of its life, but Nora loves it. Here's a similar style.
Lacing with Needle -- a simple DIY to introduce sewing, she is also moving on from this to a slightly more difficult version.
Shape and size sorting puzzle -- fun puzzle that is still a huge challenge for her.
Foam Block Sorting -- a DIY sorting 3D shapes, this is very easy for her, but she loves it.
Basket of Cars -- almost a staple on our shelves for the last year.
Color Mixing Circles -- a DIY idea from my friend Amy at Midwest Montessori
Creatures Matching Cards -- these cards are wonderful matching tools and help to build language skills. Right now she is picture to picture matching with them since we have other memory work.
Mystery Bag -- more to come on this, but working on stereognostic sense.
Nesting Dolls -- she uses the whole set, including two even smaller dolls that she wouldn't give up for the picture. Similar doll here.
Twisting Toy -- this is part of a larger toy that she really enjoys right now.
Picture Puzzle -- this is an amazing vintage puzzle, the pictures under the pieces don't match but show what the inside of the house looks like, providing a great challenge.
As a note, Nora also has access to several art trays, games, and a couple other open-ended toys (blocks and baby dolls mostly) in our home. However, this is the bulk of the materials available to her.
What is your nearly 3-year-old interested in?