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June 17, 2017

Interlocking Disks -- Montessori Baby Week 28

During the first year of a baby's life the gross motor leaps that a baby takes are seriously impressive. Babies are in the sensitive period for movement and literally go from not being able to support their own weight to coordinating all sorts of amazing movement. These are complicated skills that they pick up quickly and relatively easily! 

The interlocking disks are a wonderful Montessori baby toy that encourages movement in young babies

While children are going to pick up these movements by watching others in their environment and exploring with their own bodies, there are some things that we can provide to help them practice! One such tool is the interlocking disks

"To assist in voluntary movement from birth, it is sufficient to provide a bed larger than the crib commonly used, and some interesting objects, that serve as a stimulus for movement." Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, Understanding The Human Being 

Montessori Toy - The Interlocking Disks 

The interlocking disks is a wooden Montessori baby toy with two disks that are placed together at a 90 degree angle. It's a fantastic little wooden toy that is suitable for babies starting at a young age. At first it's a great grasping toy because of it's size and shape. Eventually, a baby can use the interlocking disks to transfer from one hand to another. This requires some great wrist movement unlike so many other toys. 

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Finally, the disks become a great toy to get a baby moving! Because of their design, with a slight tap, the disks gently wobble away from a baby. This slight movement is just enough get a baby excited to "chase" after it, but not so much movement to lose the baby's interest or make it impossible to catch. 

This final stage is where Augustus is at right now. This week his movements have suddenly become a LOT more purposeful. He's moving to get things he sees not just because he can move. He's interested in figuring out how to get that toy, how to chase it, and how to eat the whole-darn-thing. It's wonderful to watch! So, we've had a lot of renewed interest in the interlocking disks. They are a great challenge without being too difficult.  

Now, Gus is a bit delayed on the gross motor front -- which is totally fine and we are letting him lead -- and his physical therapist puts him at around a 4 month old level. So, remember to follow your child's interests and abilities. The might be something your child is ready for way sooner, or way later! Either is fine! 

The interlocking disks are a wonderful Montessori baby toy that encourages movement in young babies

Our interlocking disks toy was purchased here.

Have you introduced the interlocking disks? Did you baby like them? 


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