Augustus is getting bigger and bigger every day. As he inches his way toward 1.5 years old, his independent levels are soaring. Suddenly he wants all the independence, thank you very much. He wants to try to dress alone, to figure out that puzzle, to walk into buildings, and those kinds of things! This desire for independence also extends into the kitchen!
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Recently, I introduced a wavy chopper knife to Gus. And, he LOVES it. He has had access to a spreader knife for awhile, but that one has been harder for him. Nora, on the other hand, took right to the spreader knife when she was around Gus's age. But, he's different! I love these natural reminders that everyone's on their own path.
At this point, Gus is not gathering these materials quite on his own, but is observing me. He is starting to internalize the order that he needs to create in order for this to be successful. Eventually, he will take over another step and another step before slicing food is common place for him.
We've only been doing fairly soft fruits as well. To make this successful for him, I slice off the top of the strawberry and cut them in half. That way they sit flat and he doesn't have to try to get it to balance and chop. Then, I slowly and quietly (so he's focused on my actions) slice the first couple strawberries using his knife.
Then, I let him get to it! It's so fun watching the pride and surprise when he's completed the task. The joy that washes over him. The deepness of his concentration. I just love giving him the independence he craves.
Have you introduced a knife with your young toddler? Why or why not?