We recently rearranged Augustus' bedroom to acknowledge the fact that he is no longer a tiny baby. I don't know where the time has gone. I feel like I was just taking pictures of him on his topponcino in his Montessori nursery. And, yet, here we are. He's ready for more. And, we've had to make some changes!
The first big change is that our rocking chair has been taken out. While adult furniture makes sense for a nursery, it doesn't for a toddler room for a couple reasons. One, it's not scaled to Gus' size making it big and frustrating for him to try to use independently. Two, it's size also made it a little less than ideal to be alone with Gus in his room. He was starting to climb it I didn't feel like that was safe with him alone in the room any more. While we are still nursing, we just do that in his bed now.
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You'll also notice a few more materials in his room now than when he was a little baby. His shelves contain a little self-care tray, some books, and a few toys. There's also a picture of himself and his lamp. I removed the plant because it kept dying. ha! With Gus napping the drapes were closed too often and I tried several times to keep something alive in there and it always just died. So I've given up.

With the chair gone, we've had room for some more child-sized furniture in the room. Mainly Gus' old weaning table. He's no longer using it to eat so it gets repurposed for work. Several months ago, we also added the dressing chair to his room to help him get dressed more independently. A simple shifting over of the shelf helps us give him a little more space to get dressed, but not so much that I have to move the picture frames. haha!
And, finally, there is Gus' new floor bed! As I mentioned, this bed is just so awesome! It adds a finished quality to the room that we just didn't have before. Plus I love that Gus can use it right through elementary school! A new poster on the wall (moved from our playroom if it looks familiar!) finishes off the space even further.
Sprout-Kids floor bed pre-sale ends July 22nd! Act fast to get your own Montessori floor bed. Use code KAVANAUGHFB for 20% off on your own floor bed during the pre-sale!
Sprout-Kids floor bed pre-sale ends July 22nd! Act fast to get your own Montessori floor bed. Use code KAVANAUGHFB for 20% off on your own floor bed during the pre-sale!
And, that's it! Just some simple changes for a ever growing and changing little toddler. He's just the best and as sad as it makes me to let his baby room go, I am so excited to watch him blossom into the person he is meant to be!
Have you made changes in your spaces to accommodate your growing toddler?