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April 23, 2020

Montessori Homeschool Area at 9 Years Old

Somehow my tiny little baby Henry is already 9-years-old! Typically he attends a public Montessori school and is in lower elementary. But with Covid-19 all of the school in our state have closed for the time being (and it is anticipated will be closed for the rest of the school year.) So Henry is home doing "distance learning" for the time being. For his district distance learning has meant that nearly all of his work is now online. 

While he is at home we have made some changes to our spaces to accommodate Henry's new homeschooling life. And despite the recent change to online work, I still want his space to be as Montessori friendly as possible. 

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He's all set up in our old art area and we're using all things we already had at home. The table was the kids' old dining table. I had to put it up on some unit blocks because Henry was just a bit too big for it. I really wish we could upgrade the table to something like this table from Sprout, but we're going with what we have for now or until he gets too tall for this set up.

The shelves we are trying to keep simple and organized (which you may know is not the strength of many second plane children.) They include erasable color pencils, highlighters, headphones, some homemade folders, yarn for finger knitting, and markers. Theres some dice and playing cards which he also uses for some math work from his school. 

The other part of his area is his white work shelf. This is not work that has teacher has assigned but is just some stuff that I've identified that he might want to work with if he needs a break from work on the iPad. These shelves include a couple workbooks, reference books, blank paper, a math game, a DIY timeline and some more traditional Montessori math and grammar work. 

And, that's it! We try to keep it simple but functional for him. I know it can be hard to find examples of older kid work areas, so I hope it's helpful. Kylie at How We Montessori also has a great example for this age group here, if you are still looking for examples. 

Is your older child working from home right now? 

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